Available for sale, 5.55 acres of undeveloped, wooded land in one of the fastest growing areas in Wilmington, NC!. Land is perfect to buy and hold as an investment. It is zoned R-15 and has deeded access per plat book 15, page 36, although it is not currently accessible with no dirt, gravel or paved road frontage. Northeastern New Hanover County has a new branch of Novant Hospital Emergency Room, Beautiful Surgery Center, Wilmington Eye Offices, Lowes Home Improvement, Holiday Inn Express Hotel, Walmart, Grocery Stores, Restaurants, Banks, Pharmacies and more all within less than 1 mile of this property
Property Type(s):
Last Updated
Greenview Ranches
Year Built
New Hanover
Elementary School |
Murrayville |
Jr. High School |
Trask |
High School |
Laney |
Price History
Prior to Feb 5, '25
$250,000 |
Feb 5, '25 - Today |
$199,900 |
Additional Details
5.55 acre(s) |
460x526x460x527 |
Greenview Ranches |
203.25 |
R-15 |
Listed with Coldwell Banker Sea Coast Advantage-Midtown
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